8:20 |
8:30 | Invited Talk: David Silver  |
9:30 | Break |
9:35 | Classical Planning (Session 1a) | Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning (Session 1b) |
| An Analysis of Merge Strategies for Merge-and-Shrink Heuristics (short) Sievers, S.; Wehrle, M.; and Helmert, M | Online Learning of Robot Soccer Free Kick Plans Using a Bandit Approach (short/robotics) Mendoza, J. P.; Simmons, R.; and Veloso, M |
| Abstractions for Planning with State-Dependent Action Costs Geißer, F.; Keller, T.; and Mattmüller, R | Potential Heuristics for Multi-Agent Planning Štolba, M.; Fišer, D.; and Komenda, A |
| Traps, Invariants, and Dead-Ends (short) Lipovetzky, N.; Muise, C.; and Geffner, H | Online Macro Generation for Privacy Preserving Planning (short) Shani, G.; Brafman, R.; and Maliah, S |
| Recursive Polynomial Reductions for Classical Planning Tozicka, J.; Jakubuv, J.; and Komenda, A | Stronger Privacy Preserving Projections for Multi-Agent Planning Shani, G.; Maliah, S.; and Stern, R |
10:50 | Coffee Break |
11:10 | Probabilistic/Stochastic Reasoning (Session 2a) | Path Planning (Session 2b) |
| OGA-UCT: On-the-Go Abstractions in UCT Anand, A.; Noothigattu, R.; Mausam; and Singla, P | Path Planning under Interface-Based Constraints for Assistive Robotics (robotics) Broad, A.; and Argall, B |
| Revisiting Goal Probability Analysis in Probabilistic Planning Steinmetz, M.; Hoffmann, J.; and Buffet, O | A Unifying Formalism for Shortest Path Problems with Expensive Edge Evaluations via Lazy Best-First Search over Paths with Edge Selectors (robotics) Dellin, C.; and Srinivasa, S |
| Leveraging Probabilistic Reasoning in Deterministic Planning for Large-Scale Autonomous Search-and-Tracking Bernardini, S.; Fox, M.; Long, D.; and Piacentini, C | Speeding Up A* Search on Visibility Graphs Defined Over Quadtrees to Enable Long Distance Path Planning for Unmanned Surface Vehicles (robotics) Shah, B.; and Gupta, S. K |
12:20 | Lunch |
13:50 | Planning and Scheduling for Exploration (Session 3a) | Distributed and Multi-Agent Systems (Session 3b) |
| Scheduling Ocean Color Observations for a GEO-Stationary Satellite (application) Frank, J.; Do, M.; and Tran, T | Evaluation of Auction-Based Multi-Robot Routing by Parallel Simulation (robotics) Kishimoto, A.; and Nagano, K |
| Planning and Control of Marine Floats in the Presence of Dynamic, Uncertain Currents (application) Troesch, M.; Chien, S.; Chao, Y.; and Farrara, J | Multi-Agent Sensor Data Collection with Attrition Risk Hudack, J.; and Oh, J |
| Strategic Planning for Setting Up Base Stations in Emergency Medical Systems (application) Ghosh, S.; and Varakantham, P | A Formal Analysis of Required Cooperation in Multi-Agent Planning Zhang, Y.; Sreedharan, S.; and Kambhampati, S |
15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:20 | Domain Model Acquisition (Session 4a) | Learning for Robot Control (Session 4b) |
| Domain Model Acquisition in Domains with Action Costs Gregory, P.; and Lindsay, A | Experience-Based Robot Task Learning and Planning with Goal Inference (robotics) Mokhtari, V.; Lopes, L. S.; and Pinho, A. J |
| Learning Relational Dynamics of Stochastic Domains for Planning Martínez, D.; Ribeiro, T.; Inoue, K.; Alenya, G.; and Torras, C | Real-Time Stochastic Optimal Control for Multi-Agent Quadrotor Systems (robotics) Gómez, V.; Thijssen, S.; Symington, A.; Hailes, S.; and Kappen, B |
16:05 | Competition Results |
16:50 | Break |
17:00 | Posters & Demos |
8:30 | Invited Talk: Susanne Biundo |
9:30 | Break |
9:35 | Planning under Uncertainty and with Incomplete Knowledge (Session 5a) | Motion and Task Planning (Session 5b) |
| Heuristic Guidance for Forward-Chaining Planning with Numeric Uncertainty (short) Marinescu, L.; and Coles, A | Task and Motion Policy Synthesis as Liveness Games (short/robotics) Wang, Y.; Dantam, N.; Chaudhuri, S.; and Kavraki, L. |
| From FOND to Robust Probabilistic Planning: Computing Compact Policies that Bypass Avoidable Deadends (short) Camacho, A.; Muise, C.; and McIlraith, S | Strict Theta*: Shorter Motion Path Planning Using Taut Paths (short/robotics) Oh, S.; and Leong, H. W |
| Robust Allocation of RF Device Capacity for Distributed Spectrum Functions (journal) Stephen F. Smith, Zachary B. Rubinstein, David Shur, John Chapin | Robot task planning and explanation in open and uncertain worlds (journal) Marc Hanheide, Moritz Gobelbecker, Graham Horn, Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjoo, Alper Aydemir, Patric Jensfelt, Charles Gretton, Richard Dearden, Miroslav Janicek, Geert-Jan Kruijff, Nick Hawes, Jeremy Wyatt |
| Generalized Planning with Procedural Domain Control Knowledge Segovia, J.; Jimenez, S.; and Jonsson, A | Robot Motion Planning for Pouring Liquids (robotics) Pan, Z.; Park, C.; and Manocha, D |
10:50 | Coffee Break |
11:10 | Hybrid Planning (Session 6a) | Business and Manufacturing Applications (Session 6b) |
| A Semantic Notion of Interference for Planning Modulo Theories Bofill, M.; Arxer, J. E.; and Villaret, M | Cell Design and Routing of Jobs in a Multisite Make-to-Order Enterprise (application) Gupta, M.; P, J. C. B. R; and Dutta, P |
| Numeric Planning with Disjunctive Global Constraints via SMT Scala, E.; Ramírez, M.; Haslum, P.; and Thiebaux, S | A Planning-Based Architecture for a Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (application) Borgo, S.; Cesta, A.; Orlandini, A.; and Umbrico, A |
| A Compilation of the Full PDDL+ Language into SMT Cashmore, M.; Fox, M.; Long, D.; and Magazzeni, D | Computing Trace Alignment against Declarative Process Models through Planning (application) Giacomo, G. D.; Maggi, F. M.; Marrella, A.; and Sardina, S |
12:20 | Lunch |
13:50 | Best Papers (Session 7): Plenary |
| Heuristic Search in Dual Space for Constrained Stochastic Shortest Path Problems Trevizan, F.; Thiebaux, S.; Santana, P.; and Williams, B |
| Practical Undoability Checking via Contingent Planning Daum, J.; Torralba, Á.; Hoffmann, J.; Haslum, P.; and Weber, I |
| Multi-Agent Path Finding with Kinematic Constraints (robotics) Hoenig, W.; Kumar, T. K. S.; Cohen, L.; Ma, H.; Xu, H.; Ayanian, N.; and Koenig, S |
| Optimal Scheduling of a Constellation of Earth-Imaging Satellites, for Maximal Data Throughput and Efficient Human Management (application) Augenstein, S.; Estanislao, A.; Guere, E.; and Blaes, S |
15:20 | Coffee Break |
15:40 | ICAPS 2016 Best Dissertation and Most Influential Paper Award Talks |
| (Best Dissertation) Planning Techniques and the Action Language Golog Gabriele Röger |
| (Honourable Mention) Experience Graphs: Leveraging Experience in Planning Mike Phillips |
| (Honourable Mention) Symbolic Search and Abstraction Heuristics for Cost-Optimal Planning Álvaro Torralba |
| (Influential Paper) A Planning Heuristic Based on Causal Graph Analysis Malte Helmert |
| (Honourable Mention) Generating Robust
Schedules through Temporal Flexibility Nicola Policella; Stephen F Smith; Amedeo Cesta; and Angelo Oddi |
| (Honourable Mention) Activity Planning for the Mars Exploration Rovers John L. Bresina; Ari K. Jónsson; Paul H. Morris; and Kanna Rajan |
16:45 |
17:40 | Conference Banquet |
8:30 | Invited Talk: Stephen Smith |
9:30 | Break |
9:35 | Temporal and Numeric Planning (Session 8a) | Planning and Execution (Session 8b) |
| Symbolic discrete-time planning with continuous numeric action parameters for agent-controlled processes (journal) Florian Pantke, Stefan Edelkamp, Otthein Herzog | A robot sets a table: a case for hybrid reasoning with different types of knowledge (journal) Masoumeh Mansouri and Federico Pecora |
| Have I Been Here Before? State Memoization in Temporal Planning Coles, A.; and Coles, A | Integrating Planning and Control for Efficient Path Planning in the Presence of Environmental Disturbances (robotics) Aine, S.; and Pb, S |
| Planning Curtailment of Renewable Generation in Power Grids (short/application) Bandyopadhyay, S.; Kumar, P.; and Arya, V | A Systematic Analysis of Levels of Integration between High-Level Task Planning and Low-Level Feasibility Checks (journal) Esra Erdem, Volkan Patoglu and Peter Schüller |
| Solving Realistic Unit Commitment Problems Using Temporal Planning: Challenges and Solutions (application) Piacentini, C.; Magazzeni, D.; Long, D.; Fox, M.; and Dent, C | A Practical Framework for Robust Decision-Theoretic Planning and Execution for Service Robots (robotics) Iocchi, L.; Jeanpierre, L.; Lázaro, M. T.; and Abdel-Illah, M |
10:50 | Coffee Break |
11:10 | Search (Session 9a) | Time and Uncertainty (Session 9b) |
| Search Portfolio with Sharing Aine, S.; and Likhachev, M | Checking the Dynamic Consistency of Conditional Temporal Networks with Bounded Reaction Times Hunsberger, L.; and Posenato, R |
| Efficient Representation of Pattern Databases Using Acyclic Random Hypergraphs Sadeqi, M.; and Hamilton, H | PARIS: A Polynomial-Time, Risk-Sensitive Scheduling Algorithm for Probabilistic Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty Santana, P.; Vaquero, T.; Toledo, C.; Wang, A.; Fang, C.; and Williams, B |
| Automated Creation of Efficient Work Distribution Functions for Parallel Best-First Search Jinnai, Y.; and Fukunaga, A | Robust Partial Order Schedules for RCPSP/max with Durational Uncertainty Fu, N.; Varakantham, P.; and Lau, H. C |
12:20 | Lunch |
13:50 | Planning Effective Resource Placement (Session 10a) | Scheduling (Session 10b) |
| Placement of Loading Stations for Electric Vehicles: Allowing Small Detours Funke, S.; Nusser, A.; and Storandt, S | Online Algorithms for the Linear Tape Scheduling Problem Cardonha, C.; and Real, L. V |
| Towards Next Generation Touring: Personalized Group Tours (application) Lim, K. H.; Chan, J.; Leckie, C.; and Karunasekera, S | The Mathematics of Dispatchability Revisited Morris, P |
| More Shuttles, Less Cost: Energy Efficient Planning for Scalable High-Density Warehouse Environments (application) Hütter, C | Algebraic Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Total Flowtime Criterion (journal) Alfredo Milani, Valentino Santucci, Marco Baioletti |
15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:20 | POMDP/MDP (Session 11a) | Complexity (Session 11b) |
| Dual Formulations for Optimizing Dec-POMDP Controllers Kumar, A.; Mostafa, H.; and Zilberstein, S | Assessing the Expressivity of Planning Formalisms through the Comparison to Formal Languages Höller, D.; Behnke, G.; Bercher, P.; and Biundo, S |
| Indefinite-Horizon Reachability in Goal-DEC-POMDPs Chatterjee, K.; and Chmelík, M | Change the Plan - How Hard Can That Be? Behnke, G.; Höller, D.; Bercher, P.; and Biundo, S |
| Hierarchical Linearly-Solvable Markov Decision Problems Jonsson, A.; and Gómez, V | Bound to Plan: Exploiting Classical Heuristics via Automatic Translations of Tail-Recursive HTN Problems Alford, R.; Behnke, G.; Höller, D.; Bercher, P.; Biundo, S.; and Aha, D |
| Bayesian Optimization with Resource Constraints and Production Dolatnia, N.; Fern, A.; and Fern, X | A Multi-Parameter Complexity Analysis of Cost-Optimal and Net-Benefit Planning Aghighi, M.; and Bäckström, C |
16:50 |