Important Dates

  • March 11, 2016
    Paper submission
  • April 1, 2016
  • June 13-14, 2016

Planning and Robotics (PlanRob)

Topic and Objectives

Robotics is one of the most appealing and natural applicative area for the Planning and Scheduling (P&S) research activity, however such a natural interest seems not reflected in an equally important research production for the Robotics community. In this perspective, the aim of the PlanRob workshop is twofold. On the one hand, this workshop would constitute a fresh impulse for the ICAPS community to develop its interests and efforts towards this challenging research area. On the other hand, it aims at attracting representatives from the Robotics community to discuss their challenges related to planning for autonomous robots (deliberative, reactive, continuous planning and execution etc.) as well as their expectations from the P&S community. The PlanRob workshop aims at constituting a stable, long-term forum on relevant topics concerned with the interactions between the Robotics and P&S communities where researchers could discuss the opportunities and challenges of P&S when applied to Robotics. Started during ICAPS 2013 in Rome (Italy) and followed by a second edition at ICAPS 2014 in Portsmouth (NH, USA) and a third one at ICAPS 2015 in Jerusalem (Israel), the PlanRob WS series ( has gathered very good feedback from the P&S community which is also confirmed by the organisation of a specific Robotics Track from ICAPS 2014.

This fourth edition of the PlanRob workshop has been proposed in synergy with the Robotics Track to further enforce its original goals and to maintain a more informal forum where more preliminary/visionary work can be discussed as well as more direct and open interactions/discussions may find the right place.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • planning domain representations for robotics applications;
  • robot motion, path, and mission planning;
  • integrated planning and execution in robotic architectures;
  • planning and coordination methods for multiple robot;
  • mixed-initiative planning and sliding autonomy for robotic systems;
  • human-aware planning and execution in human-robot interaction;
  • adversarial action planning in competitive robotic domains;
  • formal methods for robot planning and control;
  • P&S methods for optimization and adaptation in robotics;
  • benchmark planning domains for robots;
  • real-world planning applications for autonomous robots.


Monday (June 13, 2016)

9:10Session 1: High Level Planning for Robots
Planning for Robots with Skills
Matthew Crosby, Francesco Rovida, Mikkel Rath Pedersen, Ron Petrick and Volker Krueger
Autonomous Search by a Socially Assistive Robot in a Residential Care Environment for Multiple Elderly Users Using Group Activity Preferences
Sharaf Mohamed and Goldie Nejat
Strategic Plannning for Autonomous Systems over Long Horizons
Michael Cashmore, Maria Fox, Derek Long, Daniele Magazzeni and Bram Ridder
Opportunistic Planning for Increased Plan Utility
Michael Cashmore, Maria Fox, Derek Long, Daniele Magazzeni and Bram Ridder
10:30Coffee Break
Session 2: Invited Talk + Challenge
11:00Planning Competition for Logistics Robots in Simulation
Tim Niemueller, Erez Karpas, Tiago Vaquero and Eric Timmons
11:20Invited Talk: The Multiple Facets of Planning in Robot Autonomy (Manuela Veloso)
14:00Session 3: Goal Reasoning + Task & Motion Planning
Spatio-Temporal Planning for a Reconfigurable Multi-Robot System
Thomas Roehr
Goal Reasoning with Informative Expectations
Benjamin Johnson, Mark Roberts, David W. Aha and Thomas Apker
ACTORSIM : A toolkit for studying Goal Reasoning, Planning, and Acting
Mark Roberts, Ron Alford, Vikas Shivashankar, Michael Leece, Shubham Gupta and David Aha
Scheduling Pick-and-Place Tasks for Dual-arm Manipulators using Incremental Search on Coordination Diagrams
Andrew Kimmel and Kostas Bekris
Sequential Quadratic Programming for Task Plan Optimization
Christopher Lin, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Rohan Chitnis, Stuart Russell and Pieter Abbeel
15:30Coffee Break & Poster Session
17:00Session 4: Space & Marine Robotics
Path Planning for Unmanned Vehicles Operating in Time-Varying Flow Fields
Brual Shah, Petr Svec, Atul Thakur and Satyandra Gupta
Using a Model of Ocean Currents to Control the Position of Vertically Profiling Marine Floats
Martina Troesch, Steve Chien, Yi Chao and John Farrara
Productivity Challenges for Mars Rover Operations
Daniel Gaines, Robert Anderson, Gary Doran, William Huffman, Heather Justice, Ryan Mackey, Gregg Rabideau, Ashwin Vasavada, Vandana Verma, Tara Estlin, Lorraine Fesq, Michel Ingham, Mark Maimone and Issa Nesnas
Preliminary Deployment of a Risk-aware Goal-directed Executive on Autonomous Underwater Glider
Eric Timmons, Tiago Vaquero, Brian Williams and Richard Camilli

Tuesday (June 14, 2016)

9:10Session 5: Learning, Planning, and Monitoring
Online Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Exploration in Continuous State and Action Markov Decision Processes
Ludovic Hofer and Hugo Gimbert
Discovering Domain Axioms Using Relational Reinforcement Learning and Declarative Programming
Mohan Sridharan, Venkata Devarakonda and Rashmica Gupta
Instinct: A Biologically Inspired Reactive Planner for Embedded Environments
Robert Wortham, Swen Gaudl and Joanna Bryson
Planning and Monitoring with Performance Level Profiles
Maor Ashkenazi, Michael Bar-Sinai and Ronen Brafman
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Session 6: Path & Motion Planning
Safe Motion Planning for Human-Robot Interaction
Jae Sung Park, Chonhyon Park and Dinesh Manocha
From videogames to autonomous trucks: A new algorithm for lattice-based motion planning
Marcello Cirillo
A Bayesian Effort Bias for Sampling-based Motion Planning
Scott Kiesel and Wheeler Ruml
Risk-averse path planning with observation options
Aino Ropponen, Mikko Lauri and Risto Ritala
A Risk-Based Framework for Incorporating Navigation Uncertainty Into Exploration Strategies
Jason Gregory, Jonathan Fink, John Rogers and Satyandra Gupta
12:20Closing Remarks

Important Dates

  • Paper submission: March 11
  • Notification of acceptance: April 1
  • Workshop Date: June 13-14

Organization Chairs

Programme Committee

  • Rachid Alami (LAAS-CNRS, France)
  • Sara Bernardini (King's College, UK)
  • Amedeo Cesta (ISTC-CNR, Italy)
  • Marcello Cirillo (Orebro University, Sweden)
  • Patrick Doherty (Linkoping University, Sweden)
  • Erez Karpas (Technion, Israel)
  • Sven Koenig (University of Southern California, USA)
  • Alberto Finzi (Naples University, Italy)
  • Robert Fitch (University of Sydney, Australia)
  • Malik Ghallab (LAAS-CNRS, France)
  • Joachim Hertzberg (Osnabrück University, Germany)
  • Felix Ingrand (LAAS-CNRS, France)
  • Luca Iocchi (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
  • Matteo Leonetti (University of Leeds)
  • Daniele Magazzeni (King's College, UK)
  • Karen Myers (SRI International, USA)
  • Daniele Nardi (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
  • Goldie Nejat (University of Toronto, Canada)
  • Andrea Orlandini (ISTC-CNR, Italy)
  • Frederic Py (Independent)
  • Enrico Scala (ANU, Australia)
  • David Smith (NASA Ames, USA)
  • Tiago Stegun Vaquero (MIT, USA)