## Setting up ROS to run on multiple computers (and robots) ### Setting up /etc/hosts on both computers: cat /etc/hosts ``` localhost michael-LAPTOP # emre laptop emre-lenovo # robotino TUW robotino ``` ### Exporting ROS_MASTER_URI On one computer the ROS master will run. On the others you must export the ROS_MASTER_URI environment variable: export ROS_MASTER_URI="http://michael-LAPTOP:11311" ## How to launch everything ### run a single node rosrun package_name node_name [arguments] For example: rosrun move_base move_base rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping rosrun rviz rviz ### launch files for groups of nodes and parameters roslaunch package_name launch_file_name Some launch files: vim src/rosplan/rosplan_planning_system/launch/planning_system_knowledge.launch vim src/rosplan/rosplan_demos/launch/mc2_turtlebot.launch (To look at the turtlebot domain file included in mc2_turtlebot.launch) vim src/rosplan/rosplan_planning_system/common/domain_turtlebot.pddl To launch: roslaunch rosplan_demos mc2_turtlebot.launch ## From the command line: ### view nodes rosnode -h (try list, info) ### view topics and messages rostopic -h (try list, info, echo, pub) rosservice -h (try list, info, call) rosmsg -h rossrv -h (try list, show) For example: rotopic list rostopic info /scan rosmsg list rosmsg show rosplan_dispatch_msgs/ActionDispatch ## Graphical User interfaces ### rviz rosrun rviz rviz Either set up a configuration, or load a configuration from: rosplan/rosplan_demos/rviz/ Set up displays: - Robot position (axes or model) - map - costmaps - image - depth image - scan - point cloud data - amcl particles ### rqt Explore plugins (like the node viewer used to make the graphs in the slides.) ## ROSPlan ### the ROSPlan rqt plugin - Action dispatcher - Dispatcher - Problem Viewer